a place for tefila and learning, Shaaray offers many opportunities
to memorialize loved ones in an appropriate way. What better way
to provide an “illui neshama”, to honor a friend, or
to celebrate good news than to sponsor torah study or to facilitate
the avodas hashem of the tzibbur.
Consider some the dedication and
sponsorship opportunities:
- Day Yomi learning sponsorship
- Yom Iyun sponsorships
- Shabbas morning Kiddush
- Shabbas Seudah-Shlishis.
- Purchasing Siddurim and Chumashim.
- Sefarim purchase for the Zichron Alter Bais Medrash
- Sponsoring one of Shaaray’s many community-wide Shiurim, scholar-in-residence weekends, and special Torah lectures.
- Sponsoring the shul’s youth program and youth education activities.
- Dedicating physical improvement to the shul infrastructure that support these many important services and programs. Shaaray is currently embarking on a multi-year program of refurbishment and many dedication opportunities are still available.
- Jewish book purchase for the Five Town Judaica Library
- Donating to the shul charity fund, which supports hundreds of Mosdos and indigent Jews.
To inquire about any of these, please
contact the office staff, the Rabbi, or the President at 516-239-2444.
Tizkeh L’mitzvos! |